Monday, July 7, 2008

Marriage License

Yes we did it we went and applied for and recieved our marriage license last week. Bob had vocalized some trepidation due to the fact we really do not know how Medi-cal or My Social Security nor my Dissability benefits will be effected. I have decided we will just cross that bridge when we get to it.
It may never come up but if it does I shall be working full time by next year. If I have to I will be a test case as I feel the right to love whom I choose and how I choose is much more important than my health benefits. I hope our goverment is not willing to penalize people living with AIDS just because we have chosen to demonstrate our Love for another.
So, for those out there wondering, we will be legalizing our marriage on July 20th along with three other couples who have had ceremonies before. The Reverend Troy Perry will be officiating and preaching at the sunday service where this will take place. The other male couple will have been together 10years, One lesbian couple 7 years and the other lesbian couple 12 years and of course Bob and I have been married a little over a year.
Yes my last name will be changing as will Bob's. We will become Rev. Robert and Rev. Joseph Shore-Goss. How interesting it is gonna get around the denomination with two rev. shore-goss running around hehe. We love to cause trouble.

Please remember to fight the proposal 8 with all your might if you are here in CA.

Rev. Joseph Shore ( for now)


  1. Congratulations, Joe Shore-Goss All the best wishes to you both!

  2. Hey Joe!!!
    It's Laurel from IWJ. I was wondering if you can send me your email address. I made a blog that I will be keeping while I'm in Roma so that I can update people who are important to me on what I am doing. Everytime I update it, I'm gunna send an email to people so they don't have to check every day.

    Peace brother,
