Sunday, December 27, 2015

Searching for Jesus

Luke 2: 41-52

One often hears the tales from mother to mother, I believe, every parent experiences this at least once in their lives, a child wanders off.  Even if just for a moment, that moment, to a parent, seems to last forever.
Of course these were different times, Simpler times.  The family heads out on an annual excursion to Jerusalem about a 65 mile walk about a 3 day journey considering most of the town was heading there.  They would have to stop to rest often especially for the older and the youngest among them.
They spend their days in Jerusalem for the festival and then set out to return.  About a day into the journey Mary realizes that Jesus is nowhere to be found.  Martha Spong imagines it to go something like this;

“The whole family has been to Jerusalem, to the temple, traveling with friends and neighbors. They made the journey together. Everyone keeps an eye on the children. One of the mothers counts repeatedly. It takes pressure off the others. She hates to tell Mary. A good boy missing could mean a boy in real trouble. Time matters. Has someone taken Jesus? She calls to his mother. "I'm sure we can find him," she says, but she can hear the sharp edge in a voice usually so soft, when Mary cal1s, "Joseph Come quickly!"
That’s when people tell the mother to breathe, but she can’t get a breath at all.
Word spreads. Some go ahead, in case he ran that way. Boys do run off, she says to Mary. Boys will be boys. Don't worry. Not yet.
Not yet. That's what they say. Boys will be boys.
Some go back, retracing steps. Some look on the side of the road, just in case he fell, or worse.
Mary's heart beats fast. How can a heart beat so fast?
Joseph and Mary run back to Jerusalem. After three days, they find him at the temple, talking to the elders as if he knows what he's doing.
He didn't know how they had worried. He lost track of the time. He has work to do, his Father's business. He is an unusual boy..
Boys will be boys. Jesus will be Jesus.
You want to yell at them, when they finally come home. You want to yell and cry, but you don't. You hug them, if they’ll let you.
Mary is unusual, too. She takes these things and keeps them. She keeps them in her heart.”[1]

Julie Craig reflects on this as well saying “I Understand Mary and Joseph’s point of view here.  I know the frantic feeling of losing track of a child for a moment.  I cannot imagine three sleepless nights and three terror filled days of not knowing where my child was. (As a mother I have to say I find Jesus’ response her to be not very Godlike, but that of a sulky tween.  Good heavens, child!)”[2]

I believe both these reflections can give us a more human perspective of Mary.  Poor Joseph is kind of just there but not really in the picture even Jesus when referring to his father is not speaking of Joseph here.

I think Luke may be trying to do a few things here and the scholarly research seems to back me up.  First we hear language used at the end of the birth sequence for Luke.  Jesus goes from birth to presentation at the temple for naming and then “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:40) That was Jesus as a baby and now we have Jesus as a boy and this passage ends in a similar way as we heard “Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in favor with God and humankind alike.” (Luke2:52) Now we know that Jesus actually had a childhood for there are no other canonical accounts between birth and Jesus’ ministry except this one.

 Does this story serve any purpose besides showing that Jesus had a life somewhere between birth and ministry?  If so what is being shown to us? 

I see a young boy …though not so young for those days, he is about to enter manhood officially.  He is also is fully aware of his role and basically admonishes his Mother for not assuming where he would be. It would seem Mary forgot…Really?  Do you think Mary could forget what was said in prophesies concerning Jesus? I mean the angel, the cousin, Simeon, and Anna?   And that is just in the Book of Luke. Do you think Mary could forget the visitations form scholars from the east? Forget that even lowly shepherds were stopping by to see the baby?  Do you believe Mary simply shrugged off Josephs dream and their flight into Egypt and back again?

If one adds all this up this makes Jesus’ admonishment seems even more “Un-Godly like” UnGodly only if you forget the one phrase here.  Mary kept all these things in her heart.  This is not only said after this passage but also right after the shepherds left.  Mary, for Luke, is a record keeper.  She doesn’t proclaim all these things but keeps them in her heart.  After all she doesn’t want Jesus to get a big head.

The parallel here is also drawn to the death of Jesus.  This would not have gone unnoticed by those who heard this story in the first century.  Jesus is missing for 3 days and Mary and Joseph are looking for him.  Just as they looked for Jesus in the tomb but he was not there for he had risen.

Something else I find interesting here is Jesus is basically holding his own in the ancient tradition of Jewish teaching.  Jesus is seated with scholars and they are posing questions to him and he is answering and posing questions to them.  One scholar describes it this way;

Probably in one of the many chambers which tradition says were built against the walls of the temple and its enclosures, and opened upon the temple courts. The sacred secret which they knew concerning the child should have sent them at once to the temple to seek for him]; sitting [Jewish scholars sat upon the ground at the feet of their teachers] in the midst [the teachers sat on semi-circular benches and thus partially surrounded by their scholars] of the teachers [these teachers had schools in which they taught for the fees of their pupils, and are not to be confounded with the scribes, who were mere copyists], both hearing them, and asking them questions [He was not teaching: the God of order does not expect childhood to teach. He was among them as a modest scholar, and not as a forward child. The rabbinical method of instruction was to state cases, or problems, bearing upon the interpretation or application of the law, which cases or problems were to be solved by the pupils. For typical problems see Matthew 22:15-46 ]:

  47 and all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

  48 And when they [his parents] saw him, they were astonished [Mary and Joseph stood as much in awe of these renowned national teachers as peasants do of kings, and were therefore astonished that their youthful son presumed to speak to them]; [3]

This may be Luke trying to give us a glimpse of the human and God in one.  Jesus being the Christ could hold his own with the best of them and of course as a young man he is no threat but a joy.  Jesus being a young man thought nothing of sitting down and engaging in conversation and assumed his parents knew where he was without telling them anything, a typical teenager.

In this analysis of Luke we find Jesus a young man fully living into his teenager-hood and yet being fully divine and, unfortunately, for his parents at this time, this is not compatible.  We also may take an impression that it is truly not his time yet.  For the passage tells us that Jesus increased in wisdom over the years.

In ministry matters one of the many resources I use there is a prayer that states
“Lord, you know our confusion this day when the gospel reflects that moment in Jesus' life when he is found in the Temple learning from and teaching the Elders. We haven't really gotten over the mystique of Christmas, the birth and angels and shepherds, and suddenly we are cast, just for this moment, into this scene. We aren't ready for Jesus to be the 12year old boy. We want to keep him a baby. Like the worried parents of Jesus, we are frightened by his disappearance. Why weren't his parents more diligent? Why didn't they know where he would be? When Joseph and Mary found Jesus, they were upset. They wanted to know how he could be so thoughtless; but he responded with a rather cryptic message about being in His Father's house. What did that mean? What does that mean to us? We come to this building, for this time of worship, and we say we are in God's house. And for this time we feel a sense of the spirit; of the presence of God. But then we go back "into the world", and lose that feeling. God's house is our very selves. God makes God's home in each of our lives. The gathering time we have and call worship is a time to remind ourselves of God's abiding love and to celebrate with each other God's infinite presence and challenge to be God's community. Open our hearts this day, Lord, to understand your loving presence and your challenge to us. Make us ready to serve you in this world. AMEN.”[4]

This kind of reminds mean…this passage in many ways is all about this season.  Maybe we did take the time to pay attention to things around us.  Maybe we did slow down to see God in this world, in this messy, messy world.  Perhaps we did make room for the Christ Child and the spirit of the season was allowed to invade our hearts and infuse joy into every moment….But now that day is gone and many spend rest of the year looking to get it back.  Others are off to focus on Mardis Gras and get ready for lent and then Easter Sunday.  Then we are off for the summer until we start prepping for Christmas again.

If we find ourselves moving from holiday to holiday, moving form point A to Point B only to pause in that moment and move on again…we have left the baby on the bus, or more appropriately, we have left the baby in the manger. 

You see the whole concept of the angels singing, the Christ child arriving, the shepherds and the wise men being brought to their knees…The whole thing of Joseph and Mary desperately looking for Jesus and Jesus just casually reminding us he is about Gods business.

“But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,' faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.

Business!' cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The deals of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!” Dickens a Christmas carol.[5]

I couldn’t resist this for what Marley is saying; what Jesus the young man is saying to me is we should be about our creators business.  For Jesus at this time it was to learn and grow in wisdom.  For you it may be something different.  You see the business of being human is to do it in an engaged way so that it is always Gods business.

You see even for Joseph and Mary…
“The problem was that they were engrossed in their own business. Now there was nothing intrinsically wrong with what they had been doing. They had been obeying the law and going to worship God at the temple. They were being very religious, but in their attempt to fulfill the requirements of God’s law, they lost the one and only Christ. Why? Because what they were involved with – the journey home – and this wasn’t Jesus’ priority. They left Jesus behind because they were distracted by getting home.

How easy is it to be distracted from God’s priorities? We fill our lives with all sorts of good things – just like Joseph and Mary did, but we leave Jesus behind because even these good things, aren’t necessarily Jesus’ priorities. The starting pistol fires and we are off doing our thing, and we leave Jesus behind, doing God’s thing.” [6]

Now our thing and God’s thing may be the same thing or better yet can be the same thing as long as we make a conscious decision to welcome God into our daily lives not just Christmas or Easter. Not just an hour on Sunday!  This is about prayerfully allowing God to be a part of your day.  As you go about the daily business of being you, take the time to stop, and say ok God just checking in...Thank you.

Now I am going to suggest something that is very scary for some people what if you took a half day or a whole weekend and made a spiritual retreat. What would that do to your life to give God a half day to be alone and meditate on how God is moving you, shaping you …is God preparing you for something new, Something different?  Is God calling you to keep doing what you’re doing but maybe be a bit more diligent about it?  Is God drawing you into something deeper maybe something more spiritual?

We live in a very rich area here and there are opportunities for private retreats…there are opportunities to take the time and do your own thing by the ocean or in the woods.  There are places to go for silence or for guidance.  I can name 3 different retreat centers off the top of my head that have planned programs throughout the year.  They also allow one to make their own quiet private retreats if they wish.

There are churches and organizations with hundreds of planned events if one seeks them out.  Stillpoint of California has many day retreats from lectures, to story writing to art projects all done prayerfully.  The catholic Missions, besides being historical, often have some of the most beautiful grounds for just silent meditation as does the path around the lake at Echo Park.

I think this is an opportunity to see the baby Jesus arrive, see a panicked parent trying to keep their baby though he has become a young man and our own panic of just trying to live, all incorporated into one story.  The story of Jesus from beginning to end is about connecting ourselves to our humanity and connecting that to our spirituality.

We often separate the two…here is our daily life…and Sunday is for God…that is if I have the time and nothing better is on TV.  But Jesus, God, came into this world a child fully human and Fully God to teach us how to be fully human and fully connected to God.  We are being called to stop panicking and running to seek for God and discover that “God with us” Immanuel.

Even Handel’s messiah gets it right
“For unto us a Child is born
Unto us a Son is given
And the government
Shall be upon His shoulder
And his name shall be called
The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace. -   This does not say was…this is a very much a in the present thing.  We must stop seeking God and allow ourselves to be in God and of God and about Gods business. Amen!

[1] The Abingdon Creative Preaching Annual (Tennesee: Abingdon Press, 2014), 229.
[2] Ibid., 228.
[3] Bible Study tools, Jesus living at Nazareth visiting Jerusdalem at twelve, 2014, accessed December 21, 2015,
[4] Nancy Townley, Pastoral Prayer, 2015, accessed December 21, 2015,
[5] Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings, Penguin classics (London: Penguin, 2003), Digital eBook.
[6] David Elvery, Leaving Jesus Behind, January 1, 2004, accessed December 21, 2015, 

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